【主演演員】:劉玉玲 Lucy Liu / Robert Forster / Cameron Richardson / Allan Rich / Samantha Shelton / Kevin Wheatley / Margo Harshman / Cameron Goodman / Holt McCallany / James D'Arcy / Carla Gugino / Michael Chiklis / Paul Cassell. 【劇情簡介】: 莎蒂(劉玉玲飾演)是一名調查記者,偶遇了一個邪教,專門吸收洛杉磯的年輕人,結果他們加入之後都一一死亡,她想調查出原因何在,沒想到調查到一半,她就被殘酷的幕後主謀盯上,一切就此改變。 當莎蒂在黑暗中醒來的時候,重見光明就發現自己不是活人了,卻也不是死人,她漫遊於洛杉磯市區的罪惡淵藪中,滿腦子暈眩,為了滿足飢渴的慾望,她一心只想吸血,但是她又怎能殺害無辜的人來滿足私慾呢?為什麼她該死卻又還活著? 羅林警探(麥可齊克里斯飾演)是一個被鬼纏身的警探,只有一個獨生女,卻不幸地遭到這個邪教所殺害。他在痛失愛女之餘,發誓要找到殺害她的凶手替她報仇。當莎蒂和他產生交集的時候,他以為她就是殺女凶手,不過很快就發現她將帶領他,找到真正的幕後主謀。他和莎蒂有著相同的使命,要除掉同一個人,兩人便攜手合作,展開復仇。 在獵殺的過程中,莎蒂和羅林達成了共識,決心殺光邪教的所有成員,企圖借此引出他們的領袖,不要再有無辜的人受害了。 [關於 劉玉玲(飾演莎蒂)] 華裔影星劉玉玲畢業於密歇根大學亞洲語言文化專業,其父母親都是中國移民。在國內,她父親是一位工程師,母親是一位生化學家,都是知識分子。劉玉玲是在密西根大學四年級的那年,參加了【愛麗絲夢遊仙境】的舞台劇試鏡,被錄取為女主角的人選,因而展開了她的演藝生涯。 日前,有網友在鳳凰網論壇上貼出劉玉玲早年限制級影片《Flypaper》的片段。劉玉玲在電影中有多場大膽裸露激情的演出,場面非常勁爆。有一幕更講述同男角激情之時,突然有條蛇從身上爬過,此幕人蛇混戰場面,極盡荒淫之至。至今劉玉玲仍表示好後悔拍過這部影片。 【Storyline】: The snoopy reporter Sadie Blake is called by her nerd colleague Ethan Mills that has deciphered a code and found an address in Koreatown from information of the Goth Tricia Rawlins about a bloody cult. Sadie does not give attention to Ethan, but when she sees on the front page of the news that Tricia has been found dead in a dumpster in Koreatown, she decides to visit the address. She finds an abandoned house with a gruesome basement full of blood and she immediately drives to Ethan's apartment. She finds the place in a complete mess and is abducted by a stranger and taken to Bishop, who wants to know what Tricia has told her. Then, Bishop and his mate Eve kill Sadie and they have a necrophilic threesome with her body. Later, Sadie awakes in the freezer of the morgue and sooner she realizes that she is a vampire and promises ......
2014-3-27 17:02, 下载次数: 717
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